Brand Direction


an agency clears its throat

There was a branding problem at Altos, in that, we didn’t really have a brand. Any business can have the basic structure of one, equipped with colors, a logo, a name, but a brand needs a purpose. Behind that purpose, there has to be a voice that people believe in.

The Power of personality

In an industry where creativity abounds, you’ll notice a lot of agencies with analogous quippy content that always seems like they’re trying just a little too hard to get your attention.

With this in mind, I defined an overarching theme for our new content direction:  “The coolest person in the room doesn’t tell you they’re the coolest person in the room.”

The personality behind our confident new voice is one that is steeped in subtlety, a partner that can make you smile while instilling trust. We like to call it the balance between beating our chests and monkeying around.


Fix Up, Look Sharp

After declaring ourselves “Digital Naturals”, with the idea that the digital solutions our partners need help with come naturally to us, the visuals needed to match this sentiment.

I designed the new website based on a series of “digital landscapes” that put our new content on display. Stimulating-but-subtle animations guide the site experience, and the brand voice provides a consistent narrative throughout all service and portfolio pages.

The site was designed to make one thing clear: this is our sandbox, and we can build you one hell of a sandcastle.

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